Tae Kwon Do:
Yesterday and Today

Master ReDragon Tae Kwon Do Evolution
I: Introduction
II: The Birth of Tae Kwon Do

An old painting of men practicing Taekyon as spectators watch
Koguryo history also tells about the Sonbae, a strong warrior's corps that was formed to protect Koguryo from the hostile northern oppression. The word Sonbae literally means "a man of virtue who never recoils from fighting", or, "a member of the warrior's corps". It is believed that the Sonbae practiced Taekkyon, a predecessor of Tae Kwon Do. A history book from the Chosun dynasty said that "Sonbaes lived in groups, learning history and literary arts at home and going out to construct roads and fortresses for the benefits of society, always devoting themselves to the nation."
Taekkyon, as practiced by the Sonbae, eventually spread from the Koguryo Kingdom to the Silla Kingdom (57 BC - 935 AD). The Silla Dynasty had its own version of the Koguryo's Sonbae. The Hwarang, literally meaning "Flower Knight", practiced Tae Kwon Do as a part of their regular curriculum. Organized by King Jin Heung in 537 AD, the Hwarang proved to be a vital part of the unification of the Korean peninsula during the Silla Dynasty.
The monk Won Kwang Bupsa was the instructor of the Hwarang and was also the author of the Sesokokye, the following five student commitments:
- Be loyal to your country
- Honor your parents
- Be faithful to your friends
- Never retreat in battle
- Use good judgement before killing living things
These commitments were the basic way of life for the Hwarang, and they are still practiced by Tae Kwon Do practitioners today.
The third king of the Silla Dynasty, Yoorie, held Soobakhee contests. These contests were considered to be ritual festivals with the purpose of gathering people together to pray for the nation. Soobakhee was probably similar to Tae Kwon Do. The terms "subak" (hand technique) and "taekkon" (foot technique) appear together in the writings of the Silla dynasty. This suggests that hand and foot techniques were both used in Korean martial arts as they are used today in Tae Kwon Do. Additional evidence of this includes the bronze statues of the warrior Kumgang. The shapes of Kumgang's fists depict the kind of fists used in Tae Kwon Do today, and Kumgang also displays the use of legs and feet that are currently used in Tae Kwon Do.

This is one of the Kumgang statues.
Tae Kwon Do was also an important part of the Baekjae Kingdom (18 BC- 600 AD). Baekjae was a tribe that detached itself from the Koguryo Kingdom. The Soo Sa system of Baekjae was comparable to the Sonbae of the Koguryo Kingdom and the Hwarang of the Silla Kingdom. The Soo Sa also protected the Baekjae Kingdom militarily.
The Baekjae Kingdom also celebrated SooByeokTa festivals which were held in local villages. The people would compete against each other in SooByeokTa fighting (a predecessor of Tae Kwon Do). Occasionally, the winner of the contests became the leader of the village or a military general.
The Combination of Nations
In 688 A.D., Silla conquers Koguryo and Baekjae. The victory does not last long, and the government disintegrates. Then, Koguryo resurfaces and conquers Silla and Baekjae, unifying Korea once and for all by creating the Koryo dynasty.

These are soldier's uniforms from the Koguryo, Silla, and Baekjae Kingdoms.
III: Beginning to Grow
IV: The Maturation

This is General Chung-Mu from the Yi Dynasty.
He was known for his undying loyalty to the king,
and he also invented the precurser to today's submarine.
Japanese Oppression and Influence
In 1910, the unthinkable happened: Japan invaded Korea. Japan dominated Korea from 1910 until the end of World War II. During this time, the Japanese colonial government outlawed all folkloric games, including Subakki and Taekkyon. Subakki and Taekyon were therefore practiced in secret. Japan even outlawed the Korean language and the use of Korean family names. In what is known as the March First Movement, millions of Koreans conducted public, non-violent demonstrations for independence, but they had no foreign support, and Japan's domination was too secure. The oppression of the Korean people ended only through the defeat of Japan in World War II.
V: The Blossoming

This is General Choi
The ITF, founded by General Choi, is considered as being more traditional in style than the WTF. The ITF focuses more on poomse, wheras the WTF focuses more on sparring. Although the ITF does practice sparring, it only utilizes the semi-contact part, while WTF is more full-contact. Because the WTF puts so much emphasis on sparring, many people consider WTF as being more of a sport than an art. The poomses of ITF and WTF are also different, the ITF using forms (Tuls) developed by General Choi, and the WTF concentrating on the Palgwes and Tae Keuks. There were many attempts to unite ITF and WTF Tae Kwon Do, but these endeavors were unsuccessful.
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